City of Ketchum Launches Online and Paper Housing Survey

The City of Ketchum would like to hear from community members, employers and employees throughout Ketchum and the Wood River Valley to best assess the area’s housing needs.

Survey results will assist the city’s consultant, Agnew::Beck, in developing appropriate housing strategies tailored to Ketchum as well as strategies to help solve the area’s housing needs.

The project’s goal is to develop an action plan to guide the next two to four years of future projects and initiatives that will lead to the development of more affordable housing options in Ketchum and the region.

“We continue to work on finding more solutions to address Ketchum’s critical need for housing,” said Mayor Neil Bradshaw. “While a significant step has been taken with the approval of Bluebird Village, there is much more to be done. Let’s keep the momentum going.”

Agnew::Beck has conducted several meetings with community stakeholders gathering data and information about the need for community housing today and in the future.

Ultimately, the city should have enough homes for year-round and seasonal residents at varying income levels and life stages to keep Ketchum a complete and thriving local community.

Residents and visitors have experienced the lack of affordable housing with the reduction or elimination of services due to the lack of employees. Many local businesses are suffering or closing because they cannot maintain staffing. One local business owner said they have had to cut hours/reduce days or completely close. “The quality of our service has really declined because we don’t have the skilled people we need. The employees that we do have are EXHAUSTED.”

Interviewees were asked what is working and not working in how community housing is provided today, and ideas about how to increase and improve the amount of community housing to meet current and future needs. The responses were consistent in acknowledging the significant lack of affordable places to live in Ketchum.

"Our housing market is wildly undersupplied,” said Michelle Griffith, executive director of ARCH Community Housing Trust. “There is a significant gap between market price and local wages and salaries. This gap is likely to widen and get worse (if nothing is done)."

The Ketchum Community Housing Survey 2021 will provide community input to better understand the needs and desires of individuals living and working in the city and Wood River Valley.

English and Spanish versions of the survey are available at the following links:

