COVID-19 || More Questions, More Answers

Many questions – keep them coming. This unprecedented situation creates much uncertainty. That is to be expected. We have been asked a myriad of questions and have tried to answer them all in our FAQ section HERE. Please keep your questions coming. It helps us, and it helps others understand what is permitted, encouraged and forbidden during this fluid time.
Testing will shed light on the situation. Unfortunately, statewide testing capability is limited. However, I can assure you that state officials are doing their best to address this matter. Without much data, we ask you to err on the side of caution. Please conduct yourself in a manner that reduces the chance of viral spread. Vigilance on sanitation and the elimination of group gatherings will serve yourself and our community well. Thank you for making this a priority.
Ketchum and Sun Valley have asked for State support.  A joint letter by the cities of Sun Valley and Ketchum went to the Governor on Sunday morning. We got an immediate response and were reassured that they understood our valley is at the frontlines of COVID-19 in Idaho. Please see the joint letter HERE.
Council approved emergency measure. In tonight’s special City Council meeting, that was conducted remotely, Council approved an Emergency Declaration and an Emergency Ordinance that grant certain powers to help address the current situation. Please view Ordinance 1207 here.
Mental wellbeing – kindness.  This situation is emotionally and economically stressful. Without an end in sight, there is much pressure on our mental wellbeing. Even though it may seem hard to foresee, I can assure you that we will get through this and will be stronger for it. So be kind to yourself, be kind to your neighbor. Let’s Slow It Down and Do Our Part. #KetchumKind
We are doing our best – I know you are too. Thank you.
