COVID-19 || Cogent Thoughts about COVID-19

Keep calm and stay safer at home. From a vibrant town to a ghost town in a few days, the pandemic has rocked our community but not rocked our resolve. Significant steps have been taken to protect our citizens while keeping our town functioning for essential needs. With council approval on Monday, we will be adding an emergency ordinance that will allow us to implement additional measures to combat the spread of COVID-19.


Self-isolate is the latest order. A lot has happened in the last two weeks, but the bottom line is the State has issued an ORDER TO SELF-ISOLATE in Blaine County. We should all be sheltering at home and keeping our social distance. There are activities that are permitted. These generally relate to working at essential businesses or engaging in essential activities that address your health, hunger or happiness.


Don’t have gatherings or go to work unless your business has been deemed essential. Don’t travel around the valley for non-essential reasons. Do monitor your physical and mental health and do get outdoors and exercise. Do the right thing – keep your distance and keep your smile!


Essential businesses that may remain open and operating include the following: healthcare, pharmacies, grocery stores, household consumer stores and other food providers. Also included are shelters, social services, media services, gas stations, auto supply stores, banks, hardware stores and mailing services. In addition, individuals may leave their residence to perform work on essential infrastructure. This includes work in construction (both housing and commercial), water, wastewater, trash pick-up, airports and telecommunications. For a full list of essential businesses, essential infrastructure and healthcare operations, please review the state order to self-isolate here.


Thank you - you are the best - #KetchumKind. There are so many uplifting stories of thoughtful deeds around our valley - too many to mention here. Funds are being raised to help those in need. Additional food banks are being provided. Shopping trips are being made for neighbors. Delivery volunteers are stepping up and there are many examples of how those in self-quarantine are being supported. We have even heard stories of folks hosting a virtual online party. Sure, you may have to provide your own refreshments, but you still get a chance to connect with your friends!


We will need your heart and your stamina to get through it all. We will also need your humor and your understanding.


You got this – and we got your back.
