Ketchum Reissues Call for Artists

KETCHUM, Idaho – The city of Ketchum reissues its Call for Artists inviting sculptors to showcase their work for the 11th Annual “Art on Fourth” outdoor sculpture exhibition. The selected artwork will be featured in the heart of downtown Ketchum along the Fourth Street Heritage Corridor; a pedestrian-friendly street with widened sidewalks, benches and designated sites for artwork.

Selected artists will receive a $2,000 stipend and there is no fee to apply. The deadline for submissions is May 18, 2018.

In its eleventh year, the Art on Fourth exhibition has evolved into a significant attraction during the city’s summer tourist season, displaying artwork by diverse artists ranging from local residents to nationally known artists. Past exhibitors include Steve Jensen, Rod Kagan, Robert Kantor, Gwynn Murrill, Will Robinson and Boaz Vaadia, among others. The exhibition is organized and curated by the Ketchum Arts Commission, whose mission is to integrate arts and culture into the community’s life.

Artists may enter as many sculptures as they would like for consideration. The call for artists, which provides detailed information on the submission process, can be found at The call is open to all artists, regardless of their state of residence.